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Babes in Brunchland

What is it about being off to a good start early in the morning that entraps us within the spirit of happiness? Holding onto those mornings where we arrive on time, free from traffic, lazy kids who don’t want to wake up, and the anxiety of what needs to be done. Recognizing how freeing it feels for us to actually be moving along with the tides of our daily routines. Not allowing ourselves to drift off into the tides of the unorganized and unprepared. While we try to layout a plan for ourselves that consist of peace and productivity. I can be the first to admit that although I’m a stickler for structure my days are often more chaotic than I prefer. As I juggle the load that comes with being a mom, a caregiver, and a human in general.

Often taking a step back, pausing, and allowing myself the mental breather that my to-do list would prefer I avoid. Lately telling myself this can wait, or that is not important. Weighing my options and sticking to a more stress free design when executing my daily list of tasks. Reminding myself that Rome was not built in a day as I send the email to a professor asking for an extension on a paper that’s due Monday. Telling myself that Thursday can and will be just as sufficient. Pulling up a chair to the table of one of my favorite restaurants. While my daughter pulls up a chair to the opposing side of the table.

Ready for a brunch menu, girl talk, and a breather. As I designate some mental health time for her. Allowing her to show up to school late. Giving her the opportunity to vent, breathe, and rejuvenate her cognitive process over a plate of pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Listening to her complaints about high school recognizing how different they are from the complaints I carried during that time period in my life. Feeling blessed that although she has her plights they are far less complicated than those I carried at her age. Listening to her funny stories about her peers. Glancing up at the arrival of my pecan and caramel covered Cinnabon. Diving in abruptly tasting the sweet brunch pastry allowing myself a morning of bliss.

As I take on nothing but the meal and moment being shared with my daughter. Feeling thankful that on this particular morning I can be disciplined enough to avoid my phone, my responsibilities, and my list of errands that call to me effortlessly. Designating today a day of nothingness. As I make a silent pact with myself to be in the moment . Enjoying the meal and returning to a state of rest after dropping her off at school. Recognizing how much the simple things offer me moments of bliss . Due to it being so easy for me to transition into the woman that is wrapped up, and swept away by the things that need to be done. Allowing myself time to recognize that what needs to be done will get done when the time is right.

And the time I sometimes designate as the right time is in fact anything but the right time. Driving away from my daughters school feeling thankful that I can offer her these designated mental health check ins, girl talk, and time that has been carved out for me and her alone. For this was a component I was never offered as a young girl and for that alone I am thankful that I can observe and provide based on my children's needs. Taking notice of how that carved out space in time that is hers and mine alone has offered us both a form of solace. As we walk away prepared to tackle the responsibilities of our day. Feeling the atmosphere around me becoming engulfed in the essence of calm energy . Deeming myself thankful for the evolution that has entered my day as my daughter and I walk away from Brunchland prepared to face all that comes our way!


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