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The Art of being Transparent

Have you ever sat and thought about what it is that leads people to live in an existence that is filled with half-truths? What is it that makes the Truth so daunting to the soul? Why do we live in a world that preaches the importance of walking in your truth? Yet that same world will turn and ostracize the truth as if it should not be welcomed. Yesterday, I sat silently reflecting on new boundaries I have implemented in my life due to my desire to thrive in a space filled with the truths of my existence. These truths allow me to refrain from pandering to people who lack substance, authenticity, or simply a genuine desire to be within my space. I thought about all the times when I could not hold an area filled with transparency and how that felt to my being. I remember analyzing how, at times, my lack of truth and authentic connections led me to feel as if I was occupying a space that lacked oxygen, therefore leading me to feel as if my breathing had somehow been constricted and would not normalize until I was in an environment where I welcomed showing up as " all of me" unapologetically. Although I was able to evolve and hold such a space, I realized it was going to take a level of bravery, discipline, and faith I had never been accustomed to. Once I relocated to this space, I realized how freeing it felt to welcome my true essence despite any reservations or pushback I received from the world. I then analyzed my aura now that I was occupying this new frequency that felt like a gift from God. A gift that conveyed to the outside world that I would not be harmed, stagnated, bitter, unhappy, or disarmed, for I had now stepped into a space where I felt equipped with the complete armor of God.

I was now equipped with a level of Self-love that allowed me to see my Beauty both inside and out—equipped with a voice that allowed me to be strong enough to speak to the truths the world hates shining a light on. I prepared to stand in my power, which conveyed to the world that my way could not be immobilized due to my understanding that my visions were all concepts ordained to me by a calling that is indeed my own. A calling that does not require validation, understanding, or fear simply because it was designated as a part of my life assignment long before I came to be. Due to the mere fact that God has stamped us all with tasks/ callings that only we can fulfill. Welcoming transparency into my space has allowed me to step into callings I didn't quite understand while trying to complete each task I felt in my heart was a part of my God-given destiny. And let me be the first to say how, although destiny and purpose can be beautiful, it can also be a daunting experience when you’re faced with new challenges you don't understand. Yesterday, I realized my ability to answer the call ultimately did not begin to evolve until I was able to acknowledge the significance of living out my life in my most authentic state, a state that even I have found to be overwhelming at times due to misinterpretation, worldly views, and the mere fear of my own opinions regarding my existence and potential. When diving into this mental exploration, I considered how I am now entering an era of peace and prosperity that all can be welcomed due to my fearless ability to accept transparency into my life. It led me to realize that with transparency comes the blessing of transformation!

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then, you can test and approve God's will—his good, pleasing, and perfect will. ( Romans 12:1-2)

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