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What makes a great writer?

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

As I sat on the uncomfortable sofa at work thinking about what makes a great writer I got hung Up on the idea that great varies based on opinion. My idea of a great literary work varies from that of the opinions of my friends and neighbors. Yet it is still very much my truth at the end of the day. So I sat at my screen refocusing my thoughts around what becoming a great writer means specifically to me. Asking myself questions such as how does writing make you feel? Why do you want to write? Lastly, what do you hope your readers will gain from reading your work?

I started focusing on what I feel when I write. Embodying multiple emotions at once. While fixating on the most liberating vibrations such as freedom, purpose, passion, and experimental components that spoke to to my scientific nature. Recognizing instantly how freeing writing is and has always been for me. As I sit down in front of a laptop, tablet, phone, or notepad I notice the pure bliss that flows through my body as each word touches the page. Instantly recognizing how what was once and idea has now become a compilation of beautiful words waiting to be retained. By a complete stranger who has no knowledge of the author, the emotions behind the idea, or the direction the story will go in.

Feeling the purpose in utilizing my own real life experiences and emotions to draw significance into a story that is waiting to be resonated with by another who knows what I know . Or another who knows what I do not. Unable to control the passion that takes over my body . Leading my phalanges on a journey. Evolving what was once a few paragraphs, into numerous pages of life. Waiting to be let in by another. Feeling the passion that flows through my fingers enabling me to stop. Often feeling as though I’m done .

Shortly after being revisited by passion again saying “keep going” for this story is not yet over! Recognizing the scientific components that are often present during my process. As I allow myself to take part in one experimental process after another. Adopting a theory of what I feel the story should encompass . While unconsciously relying on evolution to transform my paradigm of what a good story consists of during my process. Holding on to a feeling that is indescribable as I recognize that my pages that were once blank now hold thousands of words that tell a story that only I could create . Leading me to realize that the key to great writing is simply self discovery, courage, and agility. The more you discover who you are in depth the more you have the ability to write content that grasp a hold of your audience. I know this to be true because it is something I recently experienced for myself. After writing and rewriting my memoir and struggling for two years I had set the idea aside. Telling myself that I could not do it although I wanted to. After numerous self assessments, therapy, and in depth self discovery I was finally able to tell my story. Sitting down with my laptop after a frustrating day and rewriting the entire story from start to finish within two weeks. Self discovery gave me the freedom, purpose, and passion to do what I had been failing to do for two years which was write My story.

Leading me to recognize that I want to write based on my desire to share and inspire others through literary works that they can identify with. Allowing my experiences to hold precendence in the lives of others by using my pain, culture, growth, and knowledge to influence the path and purpose for another human being. Hoping readers will read my stories and gain confidence, courage, and wisdom . Allowing them to understand that we all are limitless and have the ability to change our situation no matter how good or bad things may be. To me these are the components of a great writer and I truly believe I can grow in this aspiration by doing what it is I love which is writing! I’m not a perfect writer. My edits have not always been the best, and my spelling and grammar still need second, third, and fourth assessments. Although these components matter they have not hindered me from doing what it is I love to do. Often times we feel we have to show up fully capable, prepared, and progressive in order to walk in our purpose. Deeming ourselves unworthy becuase there is still work that has to be done. The gag is no one shows up fully capable, prepared , or progressive when walking in their purpose. For upon their arrival empty handed and incompetent as to what the task requires god decides to make them capable, prepared, and progressive. Emerson once said “ to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment “- Ralph Waldo Emerson . So today I stand before you a great writer , not becuase I am truly there physically or becuase I have conquered perfection in terms of my craft, or becuase I have gained the success I seek. I am a great writer becuase I am aspiring to be! Removing limitations and doubts from my paradigm while I continue to evolve as the great writer I aspire to become. Holding onto my true nature and allowing it to show up in my everyday being, my conduct, and my projects. Living out loud and expelling all judgements, doubt, and uncertainties. I think, I do , therefore I most definitely am!

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